
“2013 International Poultry Industry Forum” successfully closed in Beijing
www.ch-agri.com  | Published:2013-09-11 17:28:39  | Browse:2302

“China White-feather Broiler Industry Alliance” to be formed


On Spet. 6th-7th , the 2nd International Poultry Forum China, organized by Poultry International China Edition and WATT Global Media, was held at Beijing Swissotel Hong Kong Macao Center.


The year of 2013 has featured risk accumulation in the light of China’s poultry industry. In particular, the bird flu outbreak caused severe impact and heavy losses to the industry. The forum focused on crisis management and risk prevention in the poultry industry and initiated a discussion on viable method to realize circular economy from the perspective of sustainable development, which attracted wide attention from home and abroad poultry industry. The event received an enthusiastic response. More than 246 of industry practitioners, entrepreneurs and experts from Environmental Protection and Energy department of MOA, CAAA, CAAV, CAAS and leading poultry companies of China and the world gathered at this forum and staged an international dialogue on live issues and prospects of China’s poultry industry. With the brain storm collaborated by the entire participates, it greatly boosted the confidence within China’s poultry industry.


Topic of the forum on Spet. 6th is “Hedge against risk and defuse crisis”. Mr. Li Jinghui, Senior Vice President of Taiwan Dachan Group, pointed out that although it’s the H7N9 avian influenza that triggered such a catastrophe in the poultry industry, the “comparatively oversupply” resulted by disorderly development must share at least part of the blame. However, along with the development of the poultry industry which is regarded a sunrise industry of China, Chinese people’s consumption of white-feather broiler will be able to parallel with that of pork in 10 to 20 years. Through persistent efforts such as source broadening, expenditure reduction, high quality and attractive price, China’s white-feather broiler industry is bound to make significant progress.


Following the industry analysis of Mr. Li, Gary Thornton, editor of WATT Global Media, shared with the audience his insight on risk prevention in poultry industry from an American perspective. He noted that the risk confronted global poultry industry today is significantly higher than 10 years ago and especially the supply chain risk is the major challenge at so far. This claim engendered resounding among the leaders and managers of Chinese poultry companies at the event. Alex Tao, General Manager of Hangzhou Techina Feed, strongly recommended Chinese poultry food enterprises to form a quality control and security council which sets up standards and enforces strict assessment so as to avoid risk from additive suppliers. Jiangsu Jinghai Poultry Industry Group Chairman Gu Yunfei, Qinhuangdao Chia Tai senior president Lv Pan and Dalian Sanyi Group Chairman Dr. Jiang Guotuo also from the angles of feed & water safety, disease prevention and control, comprehensively explained the development of industry standards, food safety and operating procedures. Aakon Schussel, president of Meyn Food Processing (China), shared the experience of the Dutch poultry industry combated bird flu in 2003. Mark Lyons, vice president of Alltech further pointed out that consumers are the driving force of development of the industry. Consumer is stakeholder of every poultry enterprise that should not be ignored.


On 7th, the forum initiated a discussion on circular economy from the prospective of sustainable development. An official from environmental protection department of the government addressed on how to develop animal husbandry industry without upsetting the ecological balance, laying down the tone of emission curbing and energy planning. Professor Hu Dinghuan, researcher of CAAS, and Niels Geraerts, product manager of Vencomatic BV elaborated respectively on circular economy models of China and the Netherlands with cases studies from home and abroad. Mr. Wang Jimin, also researcher of CAAS, and Mr. Wang Jinsheng, China Region Vice President of Chia Tai Group, put forward their proposals on the development of China’s poultry industry under new environmental policy from the perspective of poultry farming model innovation. Mr. Li Wenlong Vice President of Taiwan Lactozyme Biotechnology offered a set of verified and feasible approaches concerning sewage processing in modern poultry farms. Solution proposed by Mr. Li won high appraisal from various circles involved in this session. A number of participating companies expressed their intention of learning and cooperation.


An important message revealed by the forum: proposed by Poultry International China Edition, propelled by Huadu Group and Shangdong Yisheng with unremitting efforts, jointly started by China’s key white-feather broiler enterprises, the China white-feather broiler industry alliance will be formed soon. Now it’s entering into officially preparation and implementation stage.


China white-feather broiler industry, as the 2nd large sector in the domain of China’s livestock agriculture, has turned into the leading protagonist in the wave of industrialization and conglomeration of China’s livestock agriculture through years of development. Unfortunately, at the time of risk congestion and outbreak in 2013, the industry suffered huge loss. Chinese leading poultry companies are aware of the need of industry ally in seek of mutual support and earnestly hope to solve such issues as consumer trust, industry brand and internationalization etc through concerted efforts. Mr. Li Xirong, Direcotr of China Animal Husbandry Master Station and Ms. Gong Guifen, General Secretary of China Poultry Industry Association, CAAA, gave full recognition to the Initiative of forming this industry alliance. Both of them credit on the successful function of China white-feather broiler industry alliance which will pose as model role for rest sectors of China livestock agriculture and enhance the competitive edge of China white-feather broiler industry on global arena.

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