
论坛主题 /Theme
Winning the Future
Social Responsibility & Sustainability of the Poultry Industry
(一)汇聚星光 持续向前
Gathering the Starlight and Keep Moving Forward
Global Poultry Production and Sustainability
Outlook for China's Poultry Industry in the Macroeconomic Environment
Best Practices from Poultry and Food Companies with Sustainability and Social Responsibility
2023 China Consuming Insights & Trends
Poultry Supply Chain Management Innovation with the Market Reopening
Market Penetration and Consumption Reconstruction with Segmented Products
Marketing Opportunities in the Age of AI
Science & Technology Reshape Productivity
International and Domestic Poultry Feed Supply Situation
Exploration of Effective Protein Substitution in Feed Ingredients
Avian Disease Dynamics and Prevention Strategies in China
The Supply Safety and Sustainability of Poultry Breeding Industry
The Concept of Fine Processing Enhances the Value of Products
Digital Intelligence Technology Transforms the Poultry Industry
同期活动Concurrent Activities
——第十届家禽企业家沙龙 (限特邀人员)
10th Poultry CEO Salon (invited only)
时间:7月6日14:00 – 18:00;
Date:14:00- 18:00, July 6th
Innovative Poultry Show (IPS)
参会事宜 /Registration
Registration Fee: the registration fee covers the fees for the conference material and the meals during conference.
?USD 169 / person before May 20th
?USD 237 / person before June 20th
?USD 338 /person after July 1st

http://www.poultrychinaforum.com/eng or Wechat ID: guojixumuwang
时间 /Date
会议时间:7月7- 8日 9:00–18:00
Conference Time: 9:00 – 18:00 July 7th– 8th
报到时间:7月6日 12:00–20:00
Registration Time: 12:00 – 20:00 July 6th
咨询联系 /Contact
电话:+86 166 2169 1660
Poultry International China - LyJa Media
Tel:+86 166 2169 1660